2008-06-20 - Emporium Galorium, Rouen

On Stage :

Solo concert in the vaulted cellar of the Galorium Emporium.
Joseph was very tired that night, he also wrote a poem about that day...

Setlist :

echo park
lonely astronaut
king of the pavement
slide away
turn you on
dead savior
even when yer blue
a smile that explodes
could we survive
redemption's son
temporary people
all the old heroes (aborted)
honey and the moon
invisible hands
in the sun

Recording :

The concert was officially recorded, and was available for download on JA's website

Thanks to Thierry, a huge fan of JA, who filmed the entire concert.

Poster :

Ruined in rouen
I thought I was ruined in rouen
But their love brought me back from the dead
Hang on to this ride
Fuck the moment
Live in the moment
Its better when dreams don't come true
They push you harder to be more than u though u could do
I thought I was ruined in rouen
But it all came to me there
The next dawn of inspiration
I gotta protect like a seed
Bury it some place deep
We drove all the way from london
And caught a ferry
We barely spoke a word
I was sinking on the ship but it floated the whole way across
We were stuck on the highway in france
And in that small vw with my stuff crammed in the back I got in all sorts of various positions in order to obtain that rare dignity called sleep
The crossed legs up on the dash with the neck pillow holding up a hanging head
I thought I was ruined on the way to rouen
When we arrived
The place was tiny and carved out of stone
I ducked into the small enclave basement where a claustrophobic stage was made for me to sing my song
Newspaper articles about my arrival hung on stone walls
The whole thing was really weird but nice and strange and wrong and right
I wrote a new song at soundcheck
Based on new inspiration
And when we goto the hotel
The keeper had my picture there too
He called me sid
He called me lou
I was late for the gig
And dying for a moment to find some dignity
This road life
Is no easy matter
But then what kinda life is?


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